Agent Management
eBECAS/EDMISS supports the use of Educational agents to send students to your College.
Agents are generally industry wide paid a commission which is a percentage of the program/course cost.
It is fundamental to the operation of eBECAS/EDMISS that agents are linked to the offer and accepted enrolment. The offer lists the agent commission
Store agents and their details including commission, contact details, all offers and all student enrolments
Make commission calculations by agent
View outstanding fees, student numbers and offers to be followed up
Quantify agent performance with the assistance of a number of agent reports
View revenue for specific periods, which can be grouped by agency
Receive prompts when payments are due to agents
Schedule gross payments to agents
Publish an online list of agents from within eBECAS/EDMISS, who represent or act on behalf of the college in dealing with overseas students or prospective overseas students.
In eBECAS/EDMISS, agents and their details are stored in an organised fashion with logical search capabilities, allowing staff to easily find the information they are looking for.
eBECAS/EDMISS automatically calculates and prompts users when payments to agents are due. This saves time and effort as this then doesn’t need to be manually calculated and stored.
eBECAS/EDMISS provides multiple reports that measure agent performance, enabling staff to identify the most valuable agents to the college
Ensure your college conforms to the latest ESOS Regulations by publishing all agent details to the web.
The purpose of this section of the manual is to provide you with assistance in specifying agents for individual offers and following up these agents. This section also highlights how eBECAS/EDMISS prompts you when payments are due to agents and how to use the eBECAS/EDMISS reports to quantify agent performance.
In eBECAS/EDMISS Agents are tracked and information is provided regarding:
Agent details including commission, contact details and all offers and student enrolments
Outstanding fees, student numbers and offers to be followed up
Revenue for specific periods, which can be grouped by agency and reported
Every offer and enrolment, the agency and staff member handing the inquiry
Gross fees that have been paid and fees that are due to be refunded to agents by start date.
Commission calculations by agent
Fundamental to the operation of most Colleges is a pro-active and co-operative relationship with agents. Agents often do not have good systems in place to prompt them about inquiries they have from students. eBECAS/EDMISS enables you to assist agents in following up student offers. An offer sent to an agent automatically calculates agent commission and enables you to print a nett letter of the offer for the agent and a gross copy for the student.
eBECAS/EDMISS enables your College to contact the agents who in turn contact the students who made the initial inquiries. eBECAS/EDMISS enables your College to follow up agent offers by course, start date, accommodation placement, airport pickup and how long it has been since your College sent the offer letter to the agent.
eBECAS/EDMISS should be used by admissions, homestay and marketing staff to pro-actively to follow up offers and convert these offers into genuine starters (enrolments).
Agent Search
Agents can se searched by agent code, name, country, categories or active/in-active.
Agent Details
The agent details screen allows you to enter details about agents including Name, categories, status, publish to web, tax details, notes and any other custom fields. In the other tabs of the agent details, you can enter the following information
Street & postal address
Contact details including phone, fax, mobile, email and website
Other agent employees with phone & mobile numbers and email addresses
Diary for contacts and reminders
Commission rates on tuition or all fees
All students sent from that agent (can be filtered by current, future, completed or cancelled)
Agent Offer Follow-ups
eBECAS/EDMISS shares information in a way that enables all College staff to pro-actively work towards converting offers to enrolments. Admissions, Marketing, Homestay placement and Airport Transfer staff can all work to confirm an offer to convert it into an enrolment.
Offers can be followed-up by the date the offer was generated (and sent) to the agent, the start date of the course (to ensure that starters will be arriving), the homestay placement start date and the airport transfer request date.
The below screen displays offers in history that have not yet been converted into an enrolment, filtered by offer date period and by agent. This would enable the marketing department to follow up inquiries by agent. Details of the offer can be displayed by highlighting the offer and double clicking on it to open it.
Agent contact details can be displayed by selecting the agent button on the left of the offer details.
Scheduling Gross Payments to Agents
When an offer has been accepted, an enrolment is created and an invoice is raised. Once the invoice has been paid and receipted by the agent or student gross (including agent fees), eBECAS/EDMISS can let you know when your College is due to pay commission back to the agent. These fees that are due back to the agent are only listed once the course fees have been receipted and the enrolment has started.
The below screen shows the received and receipted agent commissions that are due for payment. You can select fees to be paid, export this list by agent and post this back to the student account, to ensure the agent is not paid again.
Agent Performance
Most reports provide the option to group by agent(s), print or export to Ms Excel. We provide reports that relate too Starters, Finishers, Current, Booked by period and by Agent:
We also provide Financial reports, some of these include: Invoiced in period, Receipted in Period, Debits in period and Financial Activity in Period by Agent:
We provide the following Revenue reports: Unearned fees and Course Revenue in Period by Agent:
We provide Marketing reports, some of these include: Offers by Course and Converted in Period by Agent.
Other Marketing reports that you can use are Period comparison, Student count on Visa, Weekly numbers by campus by week and changes in Period by Agent.