AVETMISS Setup Checklist
The purpose of this page is to provide a general overview of the tasks that need to be completed to successfully setup AVETMISS for your college. For a detailed breakdown of the AVETMISS Setup and reporting processes please refer to the AVETMISS Setup and Reporting section of the manual.
AVETMISS Setup Configuration
Ensure Avetmiss is enabled for eBECAS
Obtain the correct RTO ID and RTO Name from NCVER
Ensure Address Details are Correct and Postcode/Suburb Combination correct.
Program Scope
Obtain Scope of Registration from State Training Authority
Import Scope into eBECAS to create Nationally Recognized Programs and Subjects
Select Subject in the scope which will be compulsory for each Program.
Delivery Locations
Setup each Delivery Location where Recognised Training is delivered for the company.
Ensure the Avetmiss Code is Unique for each location
Ensure Postcode and Suburb Combination matches
Setup Faculties Providing VET Training, set to Avetmiss Enabled
Link to a Default Delivery Location
Optionally setup any alternate Delivery Locations
Setup Contracts for all Government Funded and Student Funded training
Setup Funding Patterns for enrolments under these contracts
Setup Programs for each VET Faculty, attach to correct Scope
Attach Contract where appropriate
Check Subject Linking is correct for Program
Optionally, select alternate Delivery Location for Subjects
Further Resources
NCVER AVETMISS 7 VET Provider Collection Specification
NCVER AVETMISS Validation Software