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Flexible Template Table Bookmarks

You can design the layout of template tables for use with bookmarks in the following areas: Enrolment, Enrolment Fees, Language Class and Language Results.

To see the following in eBECAS/EDMISS make sure the user you use to access eBECAS/EDMISS has the access rights enabled under Utilities for the option Flexible Table Setup.

To demonstrate how these can be defined and used, please go to eBECAS/EDMISS – Main – Setup Configuration – Template Flexible Tables.

Enrolment Flexible Bookmarks

There are 3 Enrolment flexible table types: Gross Invoice Table, Invoice Table, Offer Item Table.

Gross Invoice Table

Invoice Table

Offer Item Table

Enrolment Fees Flexible Bookmarks

There are 3 Enrolment Fees flexible table types: Gross Invoice Table, Invoice Table, Offer Item Table.

Gross Invoice Table type

Invoice Table type

Offer Item Table type

Language Class Flexible Bookmarks

The Language Class flexible table bookmarks can be accessed from the Language Class area of eBECAS/EDMISS. This is designed so you can create your own flexible layout for use with printing a Language Class Roll.

Press New then name the Table.

Language Class Table type

Displays all the students in each class including those students on holidays.

Language Class Table type – no holidays

Displays all the students in each class excluding those students on holidays.

Defining the columns for the Language Class flexible table bookmark

Please add the columns and specify the order (please ensure there are no duplicate order numbers before saving)

I have added the fields Student number, Student name, Course code, Status, Current Attendance and Overall Attendance.

Using the Language Class Flexible Bookmark tables

Now to show you where the Language Class flexible table used, go to the Language Class Search

Select Merge – Word Merge > Word Templates – Export Bookmarks to see the bookmark and bookmark data exported

The following xml document is displayed showing the bookmarks, bookmark tables including the newly defined flexible table

Using the Language Result Flexible Bookmark tables

The Language Results are entered by Class or by Teacher Portal. There can be many results which can be entered up to weekly.

You can define what columns and the order for Language Results below.

The 4 columns are exported form the enrolment merge as table bookmarks for as many results as has been entered for the enrolment

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