Go to Main – Utilities – Setup Configuration – Geographic – Countries.
You can perform the following tasks:
Create: Click the New button to add a new country.
Update: Click on an existing country in the data grid to modify or select updated details.
Delete: Select an existing country and click the Delete button to remove it.
Replace: Select an existing country, click the Replace button, and choose the replacement country from the list.
After completing the necessary changes, click Save to apply your updates.

Go to Main – Utilities – Setup Configuration – Geographic – Languages.
You can perform the following tasks:
Create: Click the New button to add a new language.
Update: Click on an existing language in the data grid to modify or select updated details.
Delete: Select an existing language and click the Delete button to remove it.
After completing the necessary changes, click Save to apply your updates.

Campus Locations
The location is used to tie a faculty (group of course/programs) to a campus. The location is also used to separate the homestay/accommodation providers. If you have 2 separate campuses in the same city, DO NOT enter separate locations as you will want to use the same accommodation providers for both campuses. In this instance create 2 faculties with the same geographic location with the faculty named separately to specify campus.
Go to Main – Utilities – Setup Configuration – Geographic – Location
You can perform the following tasks:
Create: Click the New button to add a new campus location.
Update: Click on an existing campus location in the data grid to modify a detail.
Delete: Select an existing campus location and click the Delete button to remove it.
After completing the necessary changes, click Save to apply your updates.

Go to Main – Utilities – Setup Configuration – Geographic – Region.
You can perform the following tasks:
Create: Click the New button to add a new region.
Update: Click on an existing region in the data grid to modify a detail.
Delete: Select an existing region and click the Delete button to remove it.
After completing the necessary changes, click Save to apply your updates.