Any invoice (for an accepted enrolment) generated in eBECAS/EDMISS is a contract and therefore needs to be treated like one. Any course changes or alterations to the fees due to be paid must be documented.
Pro forma invoices are generated initially as offers. When an offer is accepted, the system generates an invoice for service (see How do I enter an Offer). An invoice is a legally enforceable list of fees due to be paid. The invoice is automatically date and time stamped when it is created, this becomes the invoice date.
When the offer is accepted it is now displayed as an enrolment under the Student Details - Enrolment Tab with invoices generated with invoice date (generated date) and invoice due date (a separate date) for each invoice:
Enrolment details:
The Enrolment Fee details:
The date the invoice is due to be paid is separate from the invoice date. The invoice date can be changed from the Invoice View Summary screen.
To change the invoice Due date, select View Invoices.
From the invoice display, the due date can be changed by selecting the invoice line item and clicking “Change Due” on the left hand panel.
Back on the View Summary display, if no fees have been credited or receipted, you can specify a new payment schedule for all or part of the fees. To do this, please select the Fees Schedule option on the left hand panel. This will bring up a wizard (below), which will enable you to re-specify the fee payments.