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Portals Administration Options

Each College using the Student and Teacher Portals have several options that are accessed from eBECAS/EDMISS Portal Administration.

Login to Portal Administration

Before login to Portal Administration, your account needs permission: Utilities > Student Portal Admin Access.

Please see this article for more detail. User Management: Permissions

Equator IT provides the URL for each College, with graphics for the College displayed.


Portal Administration Main Page

Main Menu

The Administration page shows the Main Menu - Settings - General tab


The Main Menu is displayed as a drop down, or if your screen is wide enough, on the top line


Settings - General

You can change the display name, which is usually your College name Student Portal. You can select the date and time display format. You can choose to display News for the Student Portal. You can choose to use the student number as specified in eBECAS/EDMISS or allow the student's date of birth and last name name to be used to register the student. When the student registers and the number or name and dob is found, the students email address is sent a generated password that the student must use initially to login to see their information. After logging in the student can change the password they use for the student portal.

Settings - Messaging


Please enable options as appropriate for your College.

Students can Message College Enables Students to message Administration email for the College from within the Student Portal.

Teachers can Message students Teacher can post messages to the Student Portal and eBECAS/EDMISS from the Teacher Portal.

Email Support Address Please update the email support address to be someone within your College. The messages about problems logging in sent from the Student Portal need to be seen by a College administrator to check the student's email address in eBECAS/EDMISS and if neccessary resend the or reset the student's password from the Administration Portal - Student tab.

Send notifications to support when a student updates their details Students can update their contact details including address, email and phone. If you enable this option, when a change is made by the student in the portal, the previous details and new details are displayed for the Administrative User to check and sent to the email support address.

Use Mandrill Templates The Mandrill Templates option is designed for the soon to be released email response for online applications from Students and Agents. Further details will be supplied when released.

Settings - Documents


Use Document Store Please ensure the Document Store is enabled in eBECAS/EDMISS - please contact Equator IT to check on this - the storage of Documents in eBECAS/EDMISS is included with your annual license at no extra charge.

Teacher Upload Select to enable from the Teacher Portal the upload of docuemnts for each class for students to be able to download from the student portal.

Student Upload Please select to enable students to send documents from the student portal to the College. This is particularly useful with the new option where Students can access the Student Portal at the Offer stage, and can send a photo or scanned image of a passport, Visa or other documents. This option can also be used so that students can send in their homework from the student portal.

Settings - Students


This page enables you to display different student information in the Student Portal.

Show students absences - select to show the day, times, subject if VET and hours entered with text to display in the Student portal. If this is not enabled only the attendnace percentage is displayed.

Show Student Homestay Information - enables the student to see the details including the address and contact numbers for the homestay placement.

Show Student Holidays - displays in the student portal any holidays entered and approved for the student either personally or College holidays.

Show Invoice details - show the gross invoices both paid and unpaid, with the link to make a payment online if online payments have been enabled. If the student has a payment schedule there will be several invoices displayed.

Show invoice details - show the gross invoice line items i.e. each individual item for the invoice.

Show Results - show both Language results and VET Results in the Stduent Portal

Show Enrolments and Results by date descending - list results if shown in descending order

Show Assessments with Results - if Results are enabled the VET Assessment Results for the Result are shown

Use Avetmiss - display and enable the entry of Avetmiss details for any VET enrolment for the student. This will immediately update the Avetmmiss details in eBECAS/EDMISS for returns from the Student Portal for the Student.

Show Grade and Mark for VET - while VET returns only export Avetmiss results the student portal can display each student subject / unit grade and mark if entered

Show Survey section - Students can be asked to respond to eBECAS/EDMISS entered Surveys and enter their responses from the Student Portal. The responses are updated in eBECAS/EDMISS and analysis can be performed for multiple groups of students by teacher, course, country or origin, attendance etc ansering the surveys

Settings - Overdue Fees


If Students have overdue fees there are several options that can be enabled.

Block Student results If enabled and there are outstanding fees due, the student cannot use the Stduent Portal at all.

Block Student Schedule and Timetable If enabled and there are outstanding fees due, the student cannot view their Schedule and Class Timetables

Block Student News If enabled and there are outstanding fees due, the student cannot view the News in the Student Portal

Block Student Details view/update If enabled and there are outstanding fees due, the student cannot view their details or update information in the Student Portal

Settings - Privacy

After a Student registers to use the Student Portal and logs in for the first time, you can specify a College Privacy Statement.

Online Payments

Currently we support Online Payments with Flywire for payments from overseas. Other providers including support for local payments are being developed and supported.


Please enter the details supplied by Flywire to link your account with them to receive moneys transferred via the Student Portal and used in eBECAS/EDMISS to send a link for payments in the Letter of Offer.

Student News

News can be published in the Staff, Student and Teacher Portals and Agent application portal.


News items are seen on the front page when Students and Teachers log in to their portals.

Publishing a News Article

After pressing the New Article button, you see:


Enter the title, and contents. You can include references to images and documents with references to other web sites and pages.

You can select options of where the News article is publsihed and can be viewed including staff, student, teacher portal and select a faculty that students areenrolled (only those stduents who are enrolled in acourse/program from that faculty will see the article.


This screen enables you to search by student number or name.


You can select the student and display:


You can see the student number, date of birth if the student has registered for the Student Portal and photo. The phot can be loaded from the Admin Portal.

You can update their phone number and email address.

Scrolling further down displays:


If there are overdue fees, and total overdue amount, and the student enrolments both past, cancelled current and future.

At the bottom of the page is a return arrow to go back to the previous screen.


Surveys previously and current can be displayed

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