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Unearned Fees

The unearned fees report is what should be used to calculate the financial position of the student accounts for the services each student has requested.

The only students that will appear on this report are current or future students. Fees can be specified as either course fees, other fees or homestay fees and are earned depending on the fee type. In the report, the course cost is separated into tuition and agent costs and earned daily i.e. A 10 week course at $200 per week with 20% commission would total $1600 for tuition costs and $400 for agent fees. The daily fees would be $1600 / (10 * 5) = $32 per day for tuition and $8 per day for agent fees.

The Unearned Fee report is the most complex report in eBECAS/EDMISS. For a particular day, fees are calculated as Earned (revenue) or Unearned (held - trust). We provide several options to interpret how fees are to be calculated as earned. For the purpose of this report, if a student has completed their course, all of their fees have been earned and none remain unearned (although there may be fees that are unpaid).

The primary filter in this report is by current, past and future student enrolments.

The basis of the Unearned calculation is the fee type. Course cost (tuition and agent fee) is earned daily for the period the students are in attendance. The fees are earned in a week for 5 days only, Monday to Friday. Insurance fees, accommodation arrangement fees and airport transfer fees should all be earned on the course start date. Other fees can be marked as earned on the course start date or on the invoice date.

Homestay fees can be marked as earned when they are paid to the homestay provider or earned on a weekly basis over the length of the course. This can be overruled if you schedule your homestay payments, in which case you can mark all scheduled payments as earned. Alternatively, you can specify that you have only earned the portion, which is the difference between what is collected from the student and what is paid to the homestay provider.

If you have any questions regarding this, please first view the detailed fee breakdown for a particular student and trace them over a number of days. This will allow you to compare the fee details for different days and identify when fees are treated as earned.

The report is grouped by company & location and you have the option to group by course, agent, country and none. The last page of the report is a summary of totals for all fee types and fees.

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