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June 2024 Updates (NextGen)

Welcome to the June 2024 updates! Here are the main highlights we have this month.

To view the June 2024 updates for eBECAS/EDMISS Classic, visit this page.

Merge Documents, Send SMS and Send Emails on Enrolments

The Merge Documents and Send SMS and Email options are now available on Enrolments.

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New Email Recipients Available: Student Emergency Contact, Agent Counsellor and Sales Person


New recipient options are available when sending emails:

  • The Student Emergency Contact recipient is now available on the following objects:

    • Students

    • Offers

    • Pathways

    • Enrolments

  • The Agent Counsellor and Sales Person recipients are now available on Enrolments.

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New Billing Rates Related Fields Added on Enrolments

New fields are now available on the Enrolments Object.

  1. Course Rate: The Course Rate option (if used) for the course on the enrolment.

  2. Price Book: Displays the Price Book option (If used) for the course on the enrolment.

  3. Course Intake: Displays the intake option (if used) for Unit-of-Study based courses on the enrolment.

  4. Subject Pricebook: Displays the Subject Price Book (if used) for Subject-based courses on the enrolment.

  5. Agent Commission: Displays the agent commission option (if used) for the course on the enrolment.

These fields can be added to the Enrolments Main Grid through Column Chooser or to the Enrolment Details Layout through the Layout Builder.

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Offer Subjects on Offers

New Permission Required
  • Offers > View Offers

  • Offers > Offer Subjects > Edit Offer Subjects

The Offer Subjects Tab is now available on the Offers. From this tab, users can manage the subjects for the courses (if applicable) within the offer.

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Subject Price Books Available on Offers Course Items

When adding a subject-based course to an offer, Users can now select a Subjects Price Book (if available).

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Processes Statuses


The Processes Statuses have been updated to provide clarity on the status of the process.

For more detailed information, please refer to the following article: Processes Statuses

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