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Create and Edit Enrolments

Learn how enrolments are created and how to edit basic enrolment details directly from the Enrolments edit page.

Create an Enrolment

Enrolments are automatically created when an Offer is accepted. Upon acceptance, an enrolment is generated for each course included in the offer.

Edit Enrolment Details

Permissions Required
  • Enrolments > View Enrolments

  • Enrolments > Edit Enrolments

Considerations for editing enrolment details

Basic enrolment details can be updated directly from the Enrolments edit page. However, changes to other details are considered enrolment variations and require a different process.

Certain details, such as the course, cannot be modified. To update the course, the enrolment must be cancelled, and a new one created.

To edit the basic details for an enrolment:

  1. Go to the enrolment of interest.

  2. Click on the Edit Enrolment button at the top right.

  3. Edit the details as required.

  4. Click on Save to finish.

Enrolment Variations

Enrolment variations are not yet available in Next Generation. This feature is planned for a future release. In the meantime, please use Classic (desktop app).

Delete an Enrolment

Enrolments cannot be deleted. Instead, they need to be cancelled.

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