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Enrolment Attendance

An effective management of Student Attendance is crucial not only for students' academic success but also for meeting institutional and regulatory compliance requirements. Enrolment Attendance serves as a key metric that tracks students' participation in their enrolled courses. It ensures that students meet the required attendance thresholds, which may affect their academic progression and in some cases visa requirements.

By closely monitoring this metric, institutions can identify at-risk students, address issues early on, and maintain adherence to external regulatory standards, ensuring the overall integrity of the educational process.

Understanding the Enrolment Attendance

The Enrolment Attendance is displayed as a whole percentage and it is calculated based on weeks.

The attendance is calculated based on the concept: Hours Attended / Total Hours, where:

  • Hours Attended: The total number of hours a student has attended. It is calculated by subtracting the hours they were absent from the total hours scheduled.

  • Total Hours: The total number of hours on the course/enrolment.

Additional points to keep in mind:

  • There are two different types of attendance: Current and Overall (see sections below for more details)

  • Depending on the course type (language or academic), additional and more specific attendance rates might be available (see sections below for more details).

  • The Total Hours used for attendance calculation are derived from the course settings, not from the scheduled hours of individual classes. It is expected that the scheduled class hours align with the course settings.

Enrolment Attendance Settings

System Administrators have access to various settings to fine-tune the calculation of enrolment attendance:

  • Include Current Week: As the enrolment attendance is calculated based on whole weeks, when this option is selected, the calculation will include the hours of the current week. If not selected, the calculation will be up to the previous week.
    When this option is not set, in week 1, as there is no previous week), the attendance will be 100% if the enrolment is marked as Arrived, or 0% otherwise.

  • Round Attendance Down: Since Enrolment Attendance is displayed as a whole percentage (without decimals), this option controls how the attendance is rounded. When selected, attendance is always rounded down. If not selected, the system automatically rounds attendance either up or down.

Attendance Types

There are two different types of attendance on the enrolments: Current and Overall.

Current Attendance

The Current Attendance is calculated by dividing the number of Hours Attended by the Total Hours, from the beginning of the enrolment until the current or the previous week (based on the attendance settings - see section above).

Overall Attendance

The Overall Attendance is calculated using the same formula as Current Attendance: Hours Attended divided by Total Hours. The key difference is that this calculation uses the total hours from the start of enrolment to its end. The Overall Rate represents the projected attendance at the end of enrolment, assuming no further absences occur.

As the enrolment progresses, the Current Attendance rate gradually aligns with the Overall Attendance rate, eventually matching by the end of the enrolment.

Language Courses Attendance

The enrolment attendance for language courses is calculated as explained in the previous sections.

Academic Courses Attendance

For academic (non-language) courses, as classes and therefore attendance is based on the subjects in the course, the enrolment attendance is calculated based on the subjects hours instead. This also allows to track attendance per subject/result.

Subject/Result Attendance

As each subject has its own classing and hours set, a single attendance rate for the subject/result is also available. This attendance is the current attendance for the subject/result (current attendance / current hours).

Enrolment Groups Attendance

When enrolments are grouped, the attendance rates for the group are calculated based on the aggregated values (attendance hours and total hours) among the enrolments in the group. Enrolments that are Cancelled are excluded from the calculation.

The enrolment group attendance is always rounded down.

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