Enrolment Logs
For auditing purposes, the Enrolment Logs record and display events related to updates on the enrolments.
Events Recorded
The events recorded on the Enrolments logs are:
Initial enrolment creation.
Enrolment extensions and shortenings.
Student Holidays creation.
Changes to the enrolment start date.
Enrolment Cancellation.
View Enrolment Logs
Go to the enrolment details page of interest.
Click on the dropdown menu on the top right and click on Enrolment Logs.
The enrolment logs window will display. The details available are:
Type: The change type.
Start Date: The updated Enrolment Start Date (if updated).
Finish Date: The updated Enrolment Finish Date (if updated).
Length: The Total Period of the updated Enrolment or the period added or subtracted from the Enrolment (if updated).
When: The timestamp of when the operation was executed.
Init: The user who performed the operation.
Reason Category: The category for the reason to shorten or cancel the Enrolment.
Reason Description: The description of the reason to shorten or cancel the Enrolment.