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SSVF with GTE Monitoring

eBECAS now enables the management of the SSVF process with GTE monitoring.

When the conditional offer is sent, if the Student is from overseas and the student is studying a course or courses for longer than 6 months, the student requires a student visa and for particular countries under SSVF (Streamlined Student Visa Framework) the College needs to determine if the student is a GTE (Genuine Temporary Entrant).

Depending on the student’s nationality, this may require the College to undertake an interview with the student to verify the GTE status of the applicant. The interview is usually scheduled by phone or skype equivalent (examples of the questions asked are generally sent prior to the interview to ensure the student is prepared).

Also prior to the interview, students can access the student portal and load documents which verify the application detail, and is then available in eBECAS.

The College determines if the student is a GTE so can be offered a place. After notifying the student of the College’s acceptance, and receiving payment, the College logs into Prisms, generates a CoE, and the student is sent the confirmation of enrolment application with the CoE number quoted, which enables the student to go to the Australian consulate or Government office to apply for a student visa.

The College can regularly download from Prisms the bulk CoE and Visa update file which contains updates and change of status on the progress of student’s CoE and Visa issuance. This file is loaded into eBECAS and updates the CoE details, visa issuance numbers and date periods.

With the bulk upload of the Coe and Visa status, eBECAS enables analysis of Visa rejection and acceptance, by country, agent, visa and interview answers.

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