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View Document: Access is denied

If you encounter the 'Error in Application : Access is denied' error during trying to view a document, this article will guide you through troubleshooting steps to help resolve the problem.

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Understanding the Cause of the Issue

When viewing a document, eBECAS/EDMISS saves the document to its installation directory first. If the user does not have access permissions to that Windows directory, the error message "Error in Application: Access is denied" is triggered when trying to view the document.

Checklist for Issue Resolution

  • Ensure eBECAS/EDMISS is installed as the user: eBECAS/EDMISS must be installed using the user's own account to ensure it is installed in the Local App Directory. Try reinstalling eBECAS/EDMISS and ensure it is installed under the account of the user who will log in and use the application on that PC, rather than installing it as an Administrator.

  • Check if the Uploaded Document is Read-Only: Confirm whether the document you are trying to view is in Read-Only mode.

    • Select the file in eBECAS/EDMISS and use the Save As button in the Document menu to save it locally on your PC.

    • Right-click the saved file, select Properties, and check the Attributes section.

    • If the Read-Only option is enabled, uncheck it and save the changes.

    • Re-upload the updated file to eBECAS/EDMISS and try viewing it again.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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