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Cannot Load Client Library: fbclient.dll

If you encounter the "Cannot Load Client Library: fbclient.dll" issue during the loading of eBECAS/EDMISS, this article will help you resolve the issue.

Understanding the Cause of the Issue

eBECAS/EDMISS requires the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Library installed to run. However, if the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is not properly installed during the eBECAS/EDMISS installation process, the following error may occur when running eBECAS/EDMISS after installation:

Group 219.png

Steps to Resolve the Issue

To resolve this error, please try the following steps.

  1. Reinstall eBECAS/EDMISS with the latest installer

    • The eBECAS/EDMISS installer includes the library installation.
      Uninstall the current eBECAS/EDMISS and reinstall it with the latest eBECAS/EDMISS installer which can be downloaded through the link provided by Equator IT (contact your system administrator for details).

    • Ensure you run the installer as the user who will be using the program. It cannot be run as administrator. This ensures that eBECAS/EDMISS updates can be installed.

    • Try running eBECAS/EDMISS.

  2. If the system prompts for admin access
    If during the installation of eBECAS/EDMISS, Windows asks for administrator permissions to install the library, you need to request assistance from your IT staff or someone with the necessary administrator access to complete that step.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.