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Teacher Portal

The eBECAS/EDMISS Teacher Portal is your dedicated platform for efficiently managing your teaching duties and supporting student success. Designed specifically for educators, the portal simplifies administrative tasks such as recording class absences, entering results, communicating with students, and sharing important documents. This allows you to focus more on delivering high-quality education and engaging with your students throughout the academic year.

To access the Teacher Portal, use an internet browser on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Ideally, teachers should use a portable device (tablet or phone) to enter absences or results directly during class for greater convenience and efficiency.

Key Features

  1. Manage Class Absences: Easily record and manage student absences. Keep attendance records up-to-date and ensure compliance with reporting requirements.

  2. Enter and Manage Results: Input and manage student grades and assessment results. Provide timely feedback and keep students informed of their progress.

  3. Communicate with Students: Send messages and important updates directly to students. Foster engagement and maintain effective communication.

  4. Upload and Share Documents: Upload essential course materials, assignments, and resources. Share important documents with students and track submissions. Stay organized and efficient throughout the term.


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