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Templates Tutorials

Welcome to Template Tutorials, your go-to resource for mastering templates management! Whether you're a beginner just starting out or an advanced user looking to refine your knowledge, this page offers a comprehensive collection of video tutorials tailored to your needs.


Introduction to Templates

A quick overview on what the templates are and how they are created.

Agent Templates

Creating an Agent Contract Template - Online (Document)

This is a two-video series where we are creating a Document Template to generate Agent Contracts. We are creating this template 100% online using the rich text editor available in the application.

Part 1 - Creating an Agent Contract Template with Single Fields


In this video, we are creating the template with some agent details (single fields) and a dynamic date (today’s date).

The following is the merged document Westcoast International PTY LTD (Part 1).pdf

Let’s watch how to create this template…

Part 2 - Adding the Agent Commissions Grid to the Template


In this video, we are adding a grid to the Agent Contract template (created in Part 1) to display the Agent Commissions as table.

The following is the merged document after the updates → Westcoast International PTY LTD (Part 2).pdf

Let’s watch how this is done…

Migrating an Agent Contract Template from eBECAS/EDMISS Classic - (Document)

This is a two-video series where we are migrating a template from eBECAS/EDMISS Classic. We will create this template by updating the Word file template from Classic and creating a new template eBECAS/EDMISS Next Generation.

Part 1 - Migrating an Agent Contract Template with Single Fields


In this video, we will modify an eBECAS/EDMISS Classic Template by replacing the Agent Details (single fields).

The following is the merged document: Agent Contract (Word) (Part 1).pdf

Let’s watch how the migration process works…

Source File

The following is the template used on this video. You can download and use it as a reference for your templates: (Part 1) Equator IT LL1.docx

Part 2 - Migrating an Agent Commissions Grid


In this video, we are migrating a grid to display the agent commission on the Template created in Part 1 of this series.

The following is the merged document after the updates → Agent Contract (Word) (Part 2).pdf

Source File

The following is the template used on this video. You can download and use it as a reference for your templates: (Part 2) Equator IT LL1.docx

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