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Create, Edit and Delete Receipts

Creating and managing receipts is crucial for documenting payments made by students or customers. Receipts serve as the method for recording payments against invoices owed. Effective receipt management ensures accurate transaction records, provides proof of payment, and promotes transparency in financial operations.

Create a Receipt

Creating receipts is not currently possible in Next Generation. We are working to bring this functionality in a future release. In the meantime, please use Classic (desktop app) to do so.

Edit a Receipt

Editing a receipt is not currently possible in Next Generation. We are working to bring this functionality in a future release. In the meantime, please use Classic (desktop app) to do so.

Delete a Receipt

Deleting a receipt is not currently possible in Next Generation. We are working to bring this functionality in a future release. In the meantime, please use Classic (desktop app) to do so.

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