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Data Grids

Data Grids are powerful and highly customisable tables that let you see and interact with records from one or multiple related objects, individually and in bulk.


Data Grids, or simply Grids, are a powerful feature that lets you visualise and interact with a group of records. It displays data in a tabular format and allows you to filter, sort and take actions on those records.

Grids are available in different places in the application and they are context-aware. This means that the data, options and actions available, depend on where the grid is displayed.

Grids can be broadly categorized into Main Grids which located within a View and, Single Grids when they are in other pages (not part of a View).

  1. Main Grids: These grids display and provide access to the primary information of the respective object and are not restricted or scoped by a parent object. For example, the Offers Main grid, let’s you explore all the Offers and are not restricted, unless you use the available filters, to any other object such as a Student or Agent.

[Example of main grid] Offers object

  1. Single Grids: In contrast to the Main Grids, the Single grids are scoped or restricted by a parent object. For example, when you go to the Offers tab, under a particular student, you will see a grid displaying only the offers for that student. On this grid, you cannot see the offers for other students.

[Example of a Single Grid] Student’s Offers

Grid’s Composition

Although the options and actions available on every grid might be different, the components are the same.

[Example] Offers

A. Header Filter: Basic filters for the data grid. These filters will be different on every grid.

B. Filtered Indicator: This icon indicates that the data set is being filtered.

C. Action Buttons: When one or more records are selected, the available actions will display in this section. Some actions are only available when only one record is selected.

D. Column Filter: The column filters assists in refining the results by filtering the values for a specific column.

The filter options might differ for each column and some columns do not allow any filters.

E. Refresh Data: Click this button to refresh and get the latest data. Your applied filters will remain unchanged.

F. Column Chooser: Customise columns in the grid.

G. Export: Export the current data on the grid. 

H. Advanced Filter panel: Create advanced filters using more complex conditions. 

Customise the Grids

There is great flexibility and choice in what and how data is displayed in the grids. You can personalise the grids by adjusting the filters logic, the column sorting and order, and which fields to display.

Customising the grids is just about fine-tuning them until you find the best way to display the information you need. As you do not want to do this process every time you access the grid, you can save the configuration using Views.

Some Single Grids (not part of Views) allow some customisations. For them, the changes are saved automatically as you make the changes.

Set Default Search Criteria MAIN GRIDS ONLY

If you frequently consult a specific filtered dataset, you can save both the header and column filters directly within the view. This way, upon loading the view, it will automatically apply the filters saved, ensuring your data is filtered by default.

  1. Enter appropriate search values into the header filter or column filter for the desired results.


  2. Once you've configured the filters to your preference, don't forget to save your configuration in the View to retain your settings for future use.

Add/Remove columns using by Column Chooser MAIN GRIDS ONLY

The Column Chooser can be found in the main grids. It facilitates quicker access to the necessary information, especially when displaying complex data related to multiple objects.

Add columns

  1. Click on the Column Chooser icon to open the column list.

  2. Drag the Field you want to add from the Column Chooser list, and drop it to the grid.

  3. If you want to change the order of the columns, simply drag and drop the field where you want it in the header of the grid.

  4. Don’t forget to save your configuration in the View if you want the changes to persist when you come back.

Remove Columns

  1. Click on the Column Chooser icon to open the column list.

  2. Drag the column you want to remove from the grid, and drop it on the Column Chooser list.

  3. Don’t forget to save your configuration in the View if you want the changes to persist.

Resize/Reorder Columns

Most grids allow you to change the width and order of the columns. Remember to save the View when you are done, for your changes to persist.

  1. Resize columns : In the grid, hover over the edge of the desired column, click and drag to adjust to the preferred width, then release the mouse click.

  2. Reorder columns : Click and drag the column you want to move, then drop it in the desired position.

Sort the Grid

To sort the data based on your desired criteria, follow the steps below. Remember to save the View when you are done, for your changes to persist.

  1. Click on the header of the column you want to sort the data by.
    To sort in descending order, click on the header again.

Refresh and Reset the Grid

  1. Refresh Grid: For grids that handle rapid-changing data, you can refresh the data on the grid without reloading the page. You can do so by clicking on the ‘Refresh’ button.

  2. Reset Grid (Single Grids only): When you want to reset the configuration for a Single Grid to its default configuration, click on the ‘Reset button’.

    [Example] Offer Items Grid

To reset the Main Grids to their default configuration , you need to reset the View that it belongs to. Go here for more details.

Export Data from the Grid

Exporting data is useful when you want to do further analysis on the data available on the grid.

As the data is exported as displayed on the grid, used the filters and sorting options available on the grid to customise the export.

The ability to export data, including the number of records and the available formats, depends on the features included in your subscription plan. Please reach out to your system administrator for more information.

There 2 options to export the data from the grid:

  1. Export All Records: This option will export all the records (across all the pages) that are on the grid.

  2. Export Selected Records: This option will export only the records that are selected. It is only possible to select records on the current page of the grid.

Depending on your subscription and on the number of records, the export can be:

  • Synchronous: The data will be prepared and the file will download automatically in few seconds. You cannot leave the page until the download completes. Leaving the page will interrupt the export.

  • Asynchronous: For larger data sets, the export will take longer, making synchronous exports impractical due to the waiting times. When you initiate an asynchronous export, the process runs in the background, allowing you to continue using the application without interruption. You will receive a notification when the export is complete and the file is ready to download. See the Processes article for more details.

When exporting the data, a notification will appear indicating the type of export underway.

To export the data on the grid:

  1. Search the records that you’d like to export.

  2. Click the Export button on the top right of the grid.

  3. Select the Export option as needed. Check the next section if you need to export only selected records.

  4. (Optional but recommended) Add a description for the process. The description you provide will help to identify the process.


    [Example] Offers object

Grid Actions for Single/Multiple Records

Permission Required:

Check with your system administrator about the permission required.

Most of the grids offer options that let you perform an action on one or multiple records at the same time. For example, sending an email or SMS to multiple students.

The actions available on every grid might be different as the actions available depends on the context of the grid. Also, some actions might or might not be available when a single or multiple records are selected.

  1. Search records that you want to action on.

  2. Select the records through Select Boxes.

  3. Click on the Action Button that you want to perform.

  4. Depending on the selected action, further options might be displayed.

Example of using Select boxes

This example shows how to start sending single/multiple SMS using Select Boxes in the Student object.

  1. Search students that you intend to send the SMS to.

  2. Select the students. (Check that action options are different depending on single/bulk selection).

    [Single record selected]

    [Multiple records selected]

  3. Click Send Message > Send SMS, then follow the instruction.
    For more detail about Send SMS, see this article: Sending SMS.


There multiple options that you can use to filter the data on the grids.

Header Filter

The header filter is the most basic filter for the data grids and is the first feature you would use when searching for records. Each data grid has different filter options, and it's useful when you need to quickly find and access records.

Reset Filter: It's inefficient to remove filters one by one when multiple are applied. In such cases, simply use Reset Filter button to clear all filters at once.

This action will reset reset the values on the Header Filter and will remove all the filters from the Column Filters as well.

[Example] Students Header Filter

[Example] Offers Header Filter

Column Filters

In addition to the header filters, you can filter further using the column filters. The column filter is located directly below each column label.

The options available might differ for each column. Some columns do not allow this type of filtering.

If there is a data set that you need frequently that uses the column filters, do not forget to save the View so you can persist the changes for next time.

  1. (Optional) Search the records using the header filter.

  2. Go to the column you want to filter and enter or choose the desired criteria that you want to filter by.

  3. You can use the filter on multiple columns to find more accurate data if necessary.

The Advanced Filter Panel

While the header and column filters are enough for most filtering, you can access directly the Advanced Panel filter to build more advanced filter logic.

In the Advanced Filter Panel, you can only modify the column filters and not the header filters.

Note that when you add any column filters directly on the grid, the panel gets updated automatically displaying the selected filters with the respective values. You can use this panel to add more complex filter logic. To do so:

  1. In an object grid, you can find the Create Filter button on the bottom left.
    Click to open Filter Builder.

  2. Click the first operator and change as needed.

  3. Click the “+” button to add a Condition/Group.

    1. Group
      Group means a set of logical statements which are simple conditions that determine whether something is true or false. The operators you'll encounter in the advanced filter are 'AND' and 'OR'.

      1. AND: All conditions in the group must be true for the overall statement to be true. For example, if you filter records where 'Student name is Peter' AND 'Age is under 40', only items that meet both conditions will be shown.

      2. OR: Any of the conditions must be true for the overall statement to be true. If you filter records where 'Student name is Peter' OR 'Age is under 40', records that meet either one of these conditions will be shown.

    2. Condition
      A ‘condition' in logical statement that refers to a specific criteria or requirement that must be met. It's like a question that can be answered with 'true' or 'false'. For instance, 'Does the record require Visa?' or 'Does the record contain 'Spiderman’ in the name?'.
      When you set conditions in the filter, the app checks each record to see if it meets those conditions. By combining conditions with the 'AND' or 'OR' operators, you can create more complex and specific queries to narrow down your results.

  4. Click each button to change/modify the conditions.

  5. Click OK to apply the filter.

  6. If you want to change or clear the column filters from the panel, click on the filter icon or untick the checkbox to remove the filter.


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