January 2025 Updates (NextGen)
Welcome to January 2025 NextGen updates! Let’s kick off the new year with exciting new features for financial management (Receipts and Deposits), upgraded Currency Bookmark Helper, and many user experience improvements!
Finances Updates
Managing finances just took a big step forward in NextGen! We have introduced new features that allow you to manage Receipts and Deposits (Bank Deposit Reconciliation) faster and more efficiently.
🔥 New Advanced Wizard for Receipts Creation
The updated receipt wizard now features a single, flexible, and powerful grid that displays all open invoices and items that can be paid with the receipt.
You can enter amounts manually, double-click to automatically allocate payments for an item or group of items, or pay items in your preferred order with just one click—making the process more efficient and customisable.
Edit and Delete Receipts
You can now edit key details of existing receipts, including the Receipt Date, Reference Date, and Reference Number, directly from the Receipt Details page or the Enrolments Fees page. From these pages, you can also delete receipts.
Improved Visibility of Overpayments
Overpayments are now prominently displayed on the Receipt Details page, making them easier to identify.

🔥 Deposits (Bank Deposit Reconciliation) Feature Now Available
The Bank Deposits Reconciliation feature, along with its full functionality, is now available in NextGen! A Deposit No. field has also been added to the payment details grid on the Receipt Details page, making it easier to navigate between deposits and their associated receipts.

New Study Tour Flag on the Enrolments Object
A new Study Tour Flag field has been added to the Enrolments Object and it is now available on the Enrolments Search grid. This field indicates whether an enrolment is part of a Study Tour.
Note: Study tours are not yet supported in NextGen. To manage Study Tours, please user eBECAS/EDMISS Classic for the time being.
🔥 Enhanced Currency Helper for Custom Symbols and Formatting
The Currency Helper has been updated to offer greater flexibility in displaying currency values. In addition to using the system's default currency symbol ($), users can now:
Specify a different currency symbol (e.g. €)
Display the currency symbol at the end of the number.
🔥 New Locales
We’ve expanded our locale options in eBECAS/EDMISS to provide more flexibility in how data is displayed, including date formats and currency symbols.
The following new locales have been added:
English (United Kingdom)
English (Global)
Power BI & API
Class Schedules (All Classes) Report in API and Power BI Connector
A new Class Schedules (All Classes) report has been added to the Equator API and Power BI Connector. This report provides a comprehensive overview of all class schedules, covering Language, VET, and Higher Education courses. It includes detailed session times, classroom assignments, and student allocations for each class.
Relative Dates Filter
Last month, we introduced a feature that quickly became a favourite: Relative Filters.
If you missed our December 2024 update, here’s a quick recap:
The Relative Dates filter allows you to easily filter records using dynamic date ranges like Last Week, This Month, Next Quarter, or Yesterday—no need to manually input specific dates. Whether you're tracking next week’s starters, this week’s finishers, or offers issued this quarter, the Relative Dates filter simplifies the process, saving you time and effort.
Combine these filters with Views to effortlessly access the data you need.