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Managing Templates

Templates are fundamental to drive efficient and consistent communication and documentation within the app.

Create Templates

Permissions Required:
  • Utilities > Templates > View Templates

  • Utilities > Templates > Create Templates

  1. From the Utilities menu, Go to Utilities > Templates > Templates.

  2. Click New Template at the right top.

  1. Select desired Object, Channel and Section then click Next button.

The Object, Channel and Section are attributes of the template that provide the context on where and how the template can be used. After the template is created, these attributes cannot be modified.
For more details about these attributes, see this article: Templates: Terminology.

  1. Enter the template details.

    1. Name: Enter the name to be used for this template.

    2. API Name: This name is used to identify the template in the API. Based on the name you enter, the system will automatically generate a slug. If desired, you can change it to a custom slug. Only alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) symbol are allowed. The slug must be unique within the system.

    3. Category: Select the category for this template.

      Note the following:

      • The data available in the form varies depending on the Object, Channel and Type selected.

      • You can use single-field bookmarks in the File Name (for document-type templates) and in the Email Subject (for email-type templates).
        See this article for more details about Templates: Bookmarks.

      • For templates created from a Word file, the Content section is not available as the content is created directly in the Microsoft Word file (see the section below for more details).


  1. Enter the content of the template.

    The content is the body of the template. Use the text editor to add or modify the content. Depending on the template type and the channel selected, the editor options might vary.

    On the right side of the editor, there is a data panel where you can access the data (in the form of bookmarks) that you can add to the template. For detailed information about the bookmarks, view Templates: Bookmarks.

  1. When you’re ready to save the template, click on Save and Exit.

Create a Template Using Microsoft Word

When complex formatting is required on a document, you can create a template from a Microsoft Word file and then upload it to create the template in the system.

See Templates: Creating a template from a Word file.

Update Templates

Permissions Required:
  • Utilities > Templates > View Templates

  • Utilities > Templates > Update Templates

  1. From the Utilities menu, go to Utilities > Templates > Templates.

  2. Using the filers available, locate and click on the template you intend to update.

  1. Click on Edit on the top right.


  2. Update the template’s detail or content as you desire.

You can preview changes to template content without leaving the Template Edit page.

  1. Edit the content and click Save and Keep Editing to save.

  2. Click the Preview button at the top right of the screen to preview.

  1. Make sure to Click Save and Exit button to save the change.


Changing an API name will break other templates that are embedding the modified template. After updating, go to the respective templates and update the bookmarks of the template with the new API name.

Clone Templates

Permissions Required:
  • Utilities > Templates > View Templates

  • Utilities > Templates > Create Templates

Users can clone a template, a process that duplicates the structure and details of the original template.

When a template is cloned:

  • A ‘copy’ suffix is added to the name to differentiate it from the original template.

  • A numeric suffix is added to the API name to make it unique among all the other templates.

  • The new template is set as Inactive.

Document templates that were created with a Word File can’t be cloned.

To clone a template, follow these steps.

  1. From the Utilities menu, go to Utilities > Templates > Templates.

  2. Using the filers available, locate and click on the template that you intend to clone.

  3. Click on Clone at the top right and confirm to clone it.

  4. Review and update the details of the new template.


Delete Templates

Permissions Required:
  • Utilities > Templates > View Templates

  • Utilities > Templates > Delete Templates

  1. From the Utilities menu, go to Utilities > Templates > Templates.

  2. Using the filers available, locate and click on the template you intend to delete.

  1. Click Delete button on the top right.

Preview Templates

Permissions Required:
  • Utilities > Templates > View Templates

Our Template Engine lets you preview your templates in different formats (depending on the attributes of the template) so you can see how they will look like when used by the users.

The preview process will not replace data bookmarks that represent data. It will only display the template with the format and the attributes selected (E.g., headers, footers, and embedded templates).

The formats available for preview are:

  • Online – Shows the preview directly on the web browser.

  • HTML File – Generates and downloads a HTML file.

  • Word Document - Generates and downloads a Word file.

  • PDF Document - Generates and downloads a PDF file.

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