Student Fees
The Student Fees page provides a comprehensive collection of all financial activities associated with a student. This includes invoices, payments, due and overdue balances, refunds, and more.
View Student Fees
Go to the student of interest and click on the Fees tab.
A page with the Fees Views for that student will display.
Customise these views as required by adding/removing and/or organising the columns. Learn more about customising the Fees Views here.
Note that the data is grouped by the student’s enrolments. Click on the expand icon (the arrow icon at the very left of the row) on the enrolment of interest to display all the financial transactions for that enrolment.
For Fees Views with a rolling balance (learn more here), note the following:
A. The balance (amount owed) for each enrolment (summary row), is the same balance amount of the last entry of the enrolment.
B. The balance for the first entry on each enrolment, is the balance of the entry plus the balance of the last entry of the previous enrolment. This means, the balance rolls over transactions across multiple enrolments allowing to see the financial position at any given time.

Overdue Student Fees
Keeping track of overdue student fees is effortless.
Go to the Fees view on the student of interest.
Choose the view that better works for you (learn about Fees Views).
Customise the grid by adding any of the following columns
Overdue: To see whether an enrolment and invoice are overdue
Overdue amount: To see the overdue amount of the enrolment and invoice.
Overdue by: To see the number of days an invoice has been past due.
You can click on the entry of interest for more details about that transaction.
Enrolments and invoices with overdue amounts will have the due date and the above values highlighted in red.