Teacher Portal Basics
The Teacher portal is designed for Language and VET/HE Teachers to display their classes and enter absences and comments, and result outcomes by class.
To access the Teacher Portal requires access via an internet browser on a Computer, Tablet or Smart phone.
Ideally Teachers would use a portable device (tablet or phone) and enter absences or results directly for the class.
In eBECAS/EDMISS the teacher/trainer user must be provided with a username and password. The Teacher then logs into to the Teacher Portal and sees their assigned classes and VET trainers their assigned students.
In eBECAS/EDMISS the Teachers MUST be identified as:
an eBECAS/EDMISS User with the User Type Teacher.
or a VET Trainer who is assigned to an Enrolment.
for Language and VET classroom based instruction, Classes must have the Teacher assigned to the class with the room, date, and time period identified.
Language Class Setup
In eBECAS/EDMISS from the Language Class search (screen 4.7) you should see these columns (if you see columns other than these please press F12 to reset the column display for this form, close the form and open the form again, and you will see the columns correctly displayed.
To display and edit the Class Teacher, Room and Times, highlight the class and press Modify, which will display the class details. (Note you cannot edit the Class name or Level - if you want to change the Class name or Level - create a new class (or enable an in-active old class) with a different name and different level and move as of a date the students from the original class to the new class ( to review how to move Students from Class to Class as of a date - see Class allocation area of the online manual).
Each College will see their College's logo. To ensure Teachers can login to the Teacher portal, make sure the Teacher has a user name and password specified in eBECAS/EDMISS (Teachers cannot share a common user name and password otherwise they will not see their assigned students and classes)
Language Teacher Portal Access
Each College has been given a URL(internet address and path). Each teacher needs to enter their user name and password to login.
Language Teacher Portal Main Page
Logging in using a computer browser shows the Portal like this, with the dashboard displayed:
Class Schedule
The teachers classes are displayed. A week or work wee can be displayed. The default is the current week, but you can move forward a back a week.
Teacher Profile
The Teacher's Username, First name, Last name, email address, initials, with password can be updated for the current user.
You can search for and display students and details of the students the Teacher has currently assigned in their classes.
Student Details
The teacher can select a student to show details:
Further details for the student are available from the Tabs
Messages can be sent to the student from the Teacher and previous messages read
The student programs/course enrolments are displayed
The Student's Language and VET Results are shown
Re-Arrival Test
Any Pre-Arrival Tests and results are shown
The Student's Timetable is displayed for the week.
Class Absence
Selecting the menu option Class Absence displays the Class list that the Teacher is allocated to Teach.
Selecting a class displays that Class's days and times. Selecting a Day and time displays the students where you can mark and specify the absence period and add comments.
Specifying Student Absence
Select the Absence flag, and the period absence is displayed for that day and class. You can reduce the hours to display a number and decimal fraction of an hour. You can enter a comment and optionally enter a comment as the reason for the absence. This will be automatically displayed in eBECAS/EDMISS and the Student Portal and updated the overall and current attendance percentage. At the end of the week, you can confirm for the Director of Studies that all absences for this class have been entered (i.e. to confirm if there are no absences entered, there were no absences instead of absence simply not yet entered by the Teacher). Don't forget to Save any entry.
We provide the facility for teachers to not and comment if desired on how the student contributes and participates in the class. This is designed to facilitate feedback for the student in areas for improvement. Optionally a comment can be entered and if desired posted to the Student Diary which is accessible to be viewed by the Student in the Student Portal. Don't forget to Save any entry.
Class Results
Language Class Results integrate with the defined Weekly Results in eBECAS. There is one result set that can be specified by Class per week. The Result set is defined in eBECAS/EDMISS as different custom text fields.
The Results when entered are stored for the student for the week in eBECAS/EDMISS and available to be seen by the Student in the Student Portal. Documents can also be sent to the student.
The Teacher can share documents with Classes. You can select the class and select the file to post the document to class members. You can also see any other documents previously shared with the class.