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Student Portal

The eBECAS/EDMISS Student Portal is your one-stop platform for managing your study journey efficiently and conveniently. Designed with you in mind, the portal will make your student life easier. Sort out your student admin from your smartphone or desktop, quickly and simply, leaving you more time to focus on what really matters — your education and training. Whether you're checking your class schedule, managing payments, or updating your personal details, the portal offers a range of tools to help you stay on top of your studies.

Key Features

  1. Access Your Class Schedule: View and download your timetable with ease. Stay updated on your class locations, times, and any changes to your schedule.

  2. Manage Payments and Fees: Keep track of your tuition fees, payment plans, and instalments. Pay your fees securely online and view your payment history anytime.

  3. Update Personal Information: Ensure your contact details are always up to date. Update your address, phone number, and emergency contact information quickly and securely.

  4. View Academic Progress: Monitor your grades and course progress. Stay informed about your achievements and areas for improvement.

  5. Access Important Documents: Download key documents like invoices, certificates, and confirmation letters directly from the portal.

  6. Communicate with Your Institution: Send and receive messages with your institution’s staff through the portal’s built-in communication tools.


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