Enrolments Cohorts
Cohorts are a simple but powerful way to organise and manage student enrolments. By tagging enrolments with a cohort, you can quickly filter, group, and report on enrolments with shared characteristics or enrolled in the same intake.
What is a Cohort?
A cohort is a label that you assign to a group of student enrolments. It helps you categorise enrolments based on criteria such as:
Course intake dates
Specific academic groups
Custom tags (e.g., scholarship recipients)
Why Use Cohorts?
Cohorts help users streamline their workflows by:
Filtering enrolments: Quickly find students in a specific group or intake.
Reporting: Generate reports for particular cohorts to track progress or compliance.
Communication: Send messages to specific cohorts without having to select individual students.
For example, you can create a cohort named "January Intake" and apply it to all enrolments starting in that period. Later, when you need to track their progress or communicate updates, you can do so efficiently by filtering the cohort.
How to Create and Manage Cohorts
Creating and Assigning a Cohort
The Cohort field on the Enrolments object functions like any other enrolment field, allowing individual updates as needed. For bulk assignments, the 'Set Cohort' option on the main Enrolment Search grid simplifies applying a cohort to multiple enrolments at once (see the section Actions on the Enrolment Search for more details).

Enrolment Cohort field on the Enrolment Details Page
Filtering by Cohort
Since the Cohort is a standard field on the Enrolments object, it can easily be added to the Enrolments Search grid and filtered using the available column filters (see the section Column Filters on the Data Grids for more details).

Best Practices for Using Cohorts
Use clear naming conventions: Ensure cohort names are descriptive and easy to understand (e.g., "Diploma of Business - March 2025").
Keep it relevant: Only create cohorts that provide meaningful grouping for your workflows.
Keep cohort names straightforward and meaningful: Avoid special characters that may be difficult to recall or type, even though they are technically permitted.
Cohorts are not case-sensitive, meaning that "january-intake" is treated the same as "JANUARY-INTAKE" or any other variation in capitalisation.