Offer Units of Study
When offers include courses with a Units of Study pricing, the units for these courses can be managed at the offer stage. This allows users to ensure the course units' details align with the academic requirements and student needs before the offer is accepted.
Once the offer is accepted, the units for each course will be added to the respective enrolment and even though they cannot be modified on the offer, changes to units are allowed on the respective enrolments.
View Offer Units of Study
To view the units for the Units of Study-based courses in an offer:
Go to the Offer of interest.
Click on the Units of Study tab. This tab will not be visible if the offer does not have any Units of Study-based courses.
A page with the details of the units for the relevant courses will display.
The options available to manage the units are:Course Selector: Displays the list of the relevant courses. Choose a course to see the units for that course.
Course Period Details: Display the period details of the selected course.
Actions Panel: A collection of actions available for the units selected in the data grid.
Select Box: An option to select the units in the grid.
Refresh: Refresh the current data grid with the latest values.
Reset: Reset the current data grid’s columns to the default settings.
Column Chooser: Add or remove columns on the grid.

Edit Offer Units of Study Details
Follow these steps to modify the details for an unit in an offer:
Go to the Units of Study tab in the offer and select the course that you want to modify the units for.
Select the unit that you’d like to edit details for and click on the Edit button on the Actions Panel, or simply double click on the unit on the grid. A pop-up window will display with the details for the unit.
Update the details required. The options available are:
Default Start Week: Select a week number to change when this unit starts within the course. It must be within the course length. This will be used when calculating all units' dates through the Bulk Calculation of Dates button.
Start Date: Select the start date of the unit. It must be within the course period.
End Date: Select the end date of the unit. It must be within the course period.
Due Date: Select the due date for the unit. The date entered will be used as the Payment Due Date for the unit.
Census Date: Select the census date for the unit. This date will be applied as the Census Date for all subjects within the unit in the enrolment after the offer is accepted.
UoS Cost: Enter the new rate for the unit if needed (this will override the default rate). Updating this rate will also update automatically the total cost of the course to reflect this change.
Click on Save to finish.
Bulk Calculation of Dates for Offer Units of Study
The Bulk Calculation of Census Dates enables users to automatically calculate the Census Date for all the units in Units of Study-based course.
When the system setting Set Due Date to match Census Date is enabled (enabled by default), the Due Date for each unit will be automatically set to match the Census Date.
The table below outlines the methodology for calculating the Census and Due Dates for options available, depending on the system setting Set Due Date to match Census Date.
Set Due Date to match Census Date Setting | ||
Enabled | Disabled | |
Apply Census Dates | Set the Census Dates and Due Dates to be 20% of each unit duration from its start date. (This percentage can be modified in the system settings.) | Census Dates are calculated in the same way as when the option is enabled, but Due Dates are set to match the Start Date of each unit. |
Calculate Dates and Due Date | Set the Start Date to the Monday of the unit's Default Start Week within the course duration. The End Date will be calculated to the Friday of the week that is the unit's Default Study Length period from the Start Date. In addition, the Census Dates and Due Dates are calculated to the 20% of each unit duration from its start date. (This percentage can be modified in the system settings.) | Start Date, End Date and Census Dates are calculated in the same way as when the option is enabled, but Due Dates are set to match the Start Date of each unit. |
The Census Dates and Due Dates are calculated only when the Start and End Dates are defined.
Follow these steps to calculate the units' dates using any of the methods above:
Go to the Units of Study tab in the offer and select the course that you want to update the units for.
Click on the Calculate Dates button on the Actions Panel. The list of options will display.
Click on the option that you’d like to use for the calculation and confirm to apply.
The grid will refresh with the new calculated dates.