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Send Emails

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to send emails directly from the platform, ensuring timely and effective communication.


Effective communication is very important in maintaining a strong connection with stakeholders, and having the ability to send emails directly from the system to different entities such as students, agents, leads can significantly enhance this process.


To use this functionality effectively, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Have an active account with a Email Provider that we integrate with (explore the Apps available or contact us for more details).

  2. Users must have the necessary permissions to access and use the Email feature.

  3. Create Email Templates. For more detail about creating templates, see this article; Templates

Set up an Email Provider

To send emails, you need to have an active and working account with an email service provider. As you will be sending the emails through this service, there may be associated costs depending on the provider and your usage, so it's important to understand their pricing structure.

We do not charge anything for sending emails.

Once you have set up your account with your chosen email service provider, you need to configure the email server connection by setting up the respective App.

Email Templates

When sending emails, templates are essential. Templates enable you to craft messages ranging from simple text emails to complex messages with dynamic data.

To learn more about how to utilize and set up templates for your email communications, please refer to the following article; Templates.

Send Emails

Permissions Required

To send emails, permissions are granted based on the source object. For instance, to send emails from the Student object, the "Send Email" permission under "Students" is required.

Emails can be sent individually or in bulk to entities that represent a person or company. These entities include, but are not limited to, students, agents and leads.

Send Single Email

  1. Go to the record of the entity that you want to send the email to.

  2. From the header, click on Send and then on Send Email. If you cannot see any of these options, contact your system administrator to ensure that:

    • You have a role with the permissions to send emails to that entity.

    • The email service provider is set up for your college.

      [Example] Students object

  3. The Send Email window will show.


  4. From Email
    Select the email address to send the email from.

    • Attention: Select this option to flag the email as Important.

  5. Primary Recipient (To)
    Select the primary recipient of the email in the To field. The type of recipient available depends on the object that you are sending the email for.

  6. Additional Recipients (CC and BCC)
    To add recipients in the CC and BCC fields, click on Additional Recipients and select the recipients accordingly.

    • BCC myself: Add yourself to the BCC recipients list.

  7. Email Body
    Choose the template that you want to use as the body of this email.

  8. Attachments
    You can select templates of type Document to merge and attach to the email.

  9. Diary Category
    Select the diary category for the diary entry. When sending an email, the message will be recorded as an entry on the Diary of the entity that you are sending the email to.

    • Publish to Student Portal: When the message is sent for objects that relate to the student (E.g. Students, Offers, Pathways). select this option if you want to make this entry available for the student on the Student Portal.

  10. Click on Send to Send the email.

  11. Wait for the process to complete. When it’s done, you can check the logs of the process.


If there are any errors, click on the View logs button for the specific details.


Send Bulk Emails

The maximum number of emails that can be sent at once depends on your subscription plan. Contact your system administrator for details.

Sending emails in bulk can be a time consuming task. Thankfully, the App send these email in the background so you can continue using the system while this process completes. Then, once the process is completed, a notification will be sent to the user who initiated the process. Refer to the Processes article for more details.

You can send emails in bulk from the grid of the object that you want to send the emails for. To do so:

  1. Go to the grid of the object that you want to send the emails for.

  2. Use the filters to locate the records of interest.

  3. Select the records that you want to use the send the emails to.

  4. Above the grid, click on Send and Send Email. If you cannot see any of these options, contact your system administrator to ensure that:

    • You have a role with the permissions to send emails to that entity.

    • The email service provider is set up for your college.

  5. Configure and send the email on the Send Email window. Refer to the section above: Sending Single Email for more details.

  6. Click on Start Send Process.

  7. (Optional but recommended) Add a description for the process. The description you provide will help to identify the process.

  8. A process is initiated in the background.

  9. Once the process is complete, a notification will be sent to the user who initiated the process. The user can also check the status from their Processes page.


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