Student Portal Basics
The eBECAS/EDMISS Student Portal is designed to be accessed by smart phone, tablet or computer browser.
Whenever relevant information is updated in eBECAS/EDMISS, it is available immediately in the Portal and vice versa.
For Teacher and Student Portal Administrative setup see here
Student Portal URL
Please send a request to to obtain the link that you can paste on your College website to reference your College's Student Portal.
Student Login Page
Displaying the login screen shows the College graphics. Either the student enters their student number and password or if they have not got their student number and a password, they can register for a portal account.
If the student presses the register for a portal account they can enter their student number and email address. The email address is looked up in eBECAS/EDMISS to confirm and a password is sent via email for the student to log in.
Student Portal Main Page
Privacy Page
If in Portal Administration, the Privacy details have been entered by your College, details of the Privacy Policy are displayed here:
At the bottom of the page the student must agree to this statement to use the Student Portal and go further:
The first screen you see is the Dashboard with News, today's classes and any recently posted Results
Navigating Pages in the Student Portal
If you are using a phone or tablet there will be a drop down on the top left to enable you to move to the page you wish to view:
If you are using a computer the menu appears on the top line:
The absence Current and Overall Calculation is displayed. Current attendance is an indication if the attendances so far in the course are extrapolated over the whole course, this is what the attendance will be. It is designed to give an indication of how the student attendance is going. The overall attendance is the calculation that is used by CRICOS to measure below 80% for reporting.
The View Absences option, when pressed display when the absence was recorded and for how long for the day.
This option enables a student to apply online for another course enrolment and look at the progress of any previously entered application. More details to come.
Class Schedule
Provides a week or work week pictorial view of classes. Next and previous week can be displayed
You can click a class element and display the class details
Class Timetables
The student's week class details are viewed
A student can view documents and load documents, which will be available in eBECAS/EDMISS for administrators.
This can be used by students with applications where students need to photograph or scan and load copies of passport, visa and any previous tests and qualifications.
Any holidays granted to the student either individually or for the College will be displayed
The student can see gross the invoices and amount outstanding or paid.
To see the detail of an invoice, select the invoice number
Messages can be sent to your College administration from within the student portal from the student and messages sent from Administration can be displayed here for the student
My Profile
Students can update and change their details including password, local contact, postal address, overseas contact details. emergency contact details, student reporting details (AVETMISS details for VET course recognition), student USI (Unique Student Identifier) and Privacy Checklist
Any News or activities entered by the College Administration staff is displayed here
The College Privacy notice can be viewed
Both Language and VET Results are displayed on this page
Any surveys sent to the students for feedback are displayed