November 2024 Updates (Classic)
Welcome to the November 2024 updates!
This month, we’re excited to introduce enhanced flexibility for due and census dates in offers, improved class absence confirmation, and new options for our Canvas LMS integration.
Explore these new features today and elevate your workflow.
Discover the November 2024 updates for eBECAS/EDMISS Next Generation by visiting this article.
Prevent Class Absence Confirmation for Future Dates on 4.4 & 4.8 Class Absence Entry and Teachers Portal
In 4.4 VET&HE Class Absence Entry, 4.8 Language Class Absence Entry and Class Absence page in Teachers Portal, the system prevents confirmation of attendance for future classes (e.g., tomorrow or beyond) that have not yet started when entering class absences.
For the VET & HE Academic Class Schedule, classes with an M-F (Monday to Friday) schedule in the class schedule settings are not included in this update.
To ensure accurate class absence confirmations, please create separate schedules for each day (e.g., Monday, Tuesday, etc.) instead of using the M-F bulk schedule.
Separation of Due/Census Date Field into Due Date and Census Date Fields
The Due/Census Date field in the Offer Subjects tab and the Offer Units of Study tab has been separated into individual Due Date and Census Date fields. Previously, the same value was used for both the Census Date and Due date.
Due Date: The Due Date field is used for the Due Date in the Offer Instalments tab and for the Due Date of invoices generated after the offer is accepted.
Census Date: The Census Date field is used for the Census Date of each subject/unit in enrolments created after the offer is accepted and for all TCSI Reports (eBECAS Only).

New 'Set Due Date to Match Census Date' Option
With Census Date and Due date now separate fields, a new option, Set Due Date to Match Census Date, has been added to Setup Configuration > Setup > Options > VET. This option changes how Due Dates are set when using the Calculate Census Date features in the Offer Subjects and Offer Units of Study tabs. By default, this option is set to Enabled. Keeping this option as Enabled will match the existing behaviour, where the Census Date and Due date are always the same value.
When enabled: The Due Date will match the calculated Census Date for each subject or unit.
When disabled: The Due Date will default to the Start Date of each subject or unit.

Note in all cases, it is now always possible to manually set the Due Date and Census date as required.
Max 100 Characters on Req Entrance Score Field
The Req Entrance Score field in Student Pathways now allows up to 100 characters.

Canvas Integration Updates
New Canvas Users Option: Never Use Other Email
A new option, Never use Other Email (fail if Local email is blank), has been added to the Canvas LMS Integration settings. When enabled, this option ensures that the process will stop if a student's Local Email is not set, instead of attempting to create a Canvas Login ID using their Overseas (OS) Email.
For further information, please visit the following article: Canvas Integration: Users
New Canvas Sync Submission Option: Sync Assignments when Syncing Submissions
A new option, Sync Assignments when syncing Submissions (can be slow), has been added to the Canvas LMS Integration settings. When enabled, the Sync Submissions process will first run Sync Assignments, before Sync Submissions. Please note that this may slow down the overall Sync Submissions process.
For further information, please visit the following article: Canvas Integration: Assessments
New Sync All Canvas Submissions Button in the Canvas Tab of 1.3331 VET&HE Result Edit
A new button, Sync All Canvas Submissions, has been added to the Canvas Tab of the 1.3331 VET&HE Result Edit. This button will attempt to sync all submissions, regardless of the last sync or graded-at dates.
For further information, please visit the following article: Canvas Integration: Assessments | Sync All Submission Results for a Single Student
Western Australia RAPT Report 1.3
The updated RAPT Report 1.3, regarding the requirements from the Department of Training and Workforce Development, Government of Western Australia for the integration of the USI Verification Solution into TAMS, is now available under Utilities > Avetmiss > 12.092 Avetmiss Report.
If needed, users can still export the previous report by using the Force RAPT 1.2 Standard option.
New Option to Include 'Not Studied' Status Results in the RAPT Report
A new option, Report Not Studied Outcome, has been added in 1.331 VET&HE Result Edit. Select this option within the VET section to include this Not Studied Results in RAPT Report. This option is only available for faculties in the Avetmiss Perth location of Western Australia.