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Grids in Templates


Grids are an essential component for Templates. They let you display highly-customisable tables or repetitive sections on your templates.

A common example where grids are used is to display multiple records in an structured way where each record is a row in the table, such as items in an Offer or lines in an Invoice or Instalments in a payment plan.

Although tables is the most common use for Grids, they can also be used to display repetitive sections in a template.

Displaying Grids in Templates

There are two different ways to display grids in templates:

  1. Grids in Tables: With this option, you create structured tables within an existing template. You do this by defining a table with a header row, and the columns you want to add. Then, each record in the data set will be added as a row to the table.

Although most use cases for grids can be covered by this method, if you require more flexibility and even higher customisation, you can use the Grids Templates.

For more details on Grid on Tables, please refer to the following article: Grids in Tables.

  1. Grid Templates ADVANCED: This option offers greater flexibility and customization, but it requires basic knowledge of HTML. Unlike Grids in Tables, Grid Templates are an actual template type. Once created, they can be embedded into other templates. Moreover, since they are built using raw HTML, they allow for extensive customization.

    For more detailed information on Grid Templates, please refer to the following article : Grid Templates


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