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Search Offers

The ability to quickly search and find specific offers is crucial for efficient administration and processes. Whether you're updating offer details, communicating with students, or reviewing offer items and instalments, knowing how to effectively use the search functions can significantly streamline these processes.

Offers Search View

Permissions Required
  • Offers > View Offers

The Offers Search View is the main place to view, explore and search offers.


Customise the views to efficiently access the data you need. You can customise the columns, sorting and filters on the grid. Learn how to use Views

  1. From the Main menu, go to Offers.
    By default, it displays offers in the data grid that have the status Offer and were created during the current week.

  2. Use the filters available to locate the offers of interest.

    • For quick search for offers, you can use any of the following in the Search Box:

      • Student First Name, Middle Name, Last Name

      • Student Number

      • Student Email

      • Student Mobile Number (excluding symbols like '+', '-')

    • If you need more filters to specify, you can use the Column Filters and the Advanced Filters.
      See this article for more details: Data Grids.

    • You can customise the grid by adding/removing columns as required. See this article for more details: Data Grids: Customise Data Grids.

  3. Click on the Offer No. to view the offer details.


Only Individual Offers are displayed. Study Tour Offers are currently not supported in this App. If needed, use the Classic desktop app to see these offers.

Actions on the Offers Search View

Permission Required:
  • Offers > View Offers

  • Check with your system administrator about the permission required for more actions

From the Offers Search View, you can take quick actions on one or multiple offers using the grid actions. The available actions may vary depending on whether you select a single or multiple records and on your permissions. Some of these actions include, but are not limited to:


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