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Manage your leads efficiently and convert them into Students seamlessly without the need of an external system.

Leads are only available in the NextGen version of eBECAS/EDMISS.

Leads are potential students who have shown interest in your educational services. They are crucial in the recruitment process, serving as the first step in the journey from prospect to enrolled student.

Whether you receive enquiries through different channels such as phone, email, walk-ins or online forms, you can use Leads in eBECAS/EDMISS NextGen to efficiently manage, engage, nurture and convert these potential students into paid customers.

Importance of Leads

Leads are a direct driver of your revenue. Higher numbers of leads, coupled with effective conversion strategies, significantly boost your revenue. The key to financial success lies in both accumulating a substantial lead pool and refining the conversion process.

  • Potential Revenue Source: Each lead represents a prospective student and, therefore, a potential source of revenue.

  • Growth Indicator: The number of leads can indicate the effectiveness of marketing strategies and overall market interest.

  • Resource Allocation: Understanding leads helps in prioritizing resources towards the most promising prospects.

Key Concepts

Lead Owner

A lead can and usually have an owner. The lead owner (an existing user) is responsible for the lead. From a recruitment or sales perspective, the owner represents the sales person that is in charge of the lead.

Lead can be re-assigned and notifications can be sent to the new owner(s) during this process.

Lead Status

A lead status represent the stage where the lead is at on a given process. For example, on a recruitment process, the status can be used to determine at what stage, on the sales process, the lead is at.

During the set up of the app, some default statuses are created. You can customise this list by updating the ‘Lead Status’ picklist (learn more about picklists here).

Leads Conversion Process

Converting leads into actual students is the ultimate goal of any recruitment strategy. However, without the right tools and processes, effectively managing and nurturing these leads can be challenging, potentially leading to missed opportunities and decreased enrolment rates.

With eBECAS/EDMISS NextGen CRM, you can manage efficiently your leads' conversion process, including:

  1. Generation: Use our Guest Forms to publish personalised Contact or Application forms.

  2. Engagement: Engaging with these leads through personalized communication, providing course details, and addressing queries. You can send emails, sms and even create documents (individually or in bulk) in the system.

  3. Nurturing: Building a relationship by providing relevant information, assistance, and follow-ups. Assign and update the status of your leads as they progress through your conversion funnel. You can also allocate the leads to the most relevant staff for an efficient lead management.

  4. Conversion: Converting leads into students seamlessly within the system. Transfer automatically all the details from the leads to the students.


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